With flows up to 1000m3/h, pressures up to 130bar and an in-built priming system capable of suction lift up to 6 meters, our multistage pumps are perfect for offshore and onshore use in:
➡ Pipeline flooding to push cleaning or inspection pigs through the pipelines
➡ Pipeline testing
➡ Pipeline flushing
These pumps can be assembled with electric or diesel driven engines and are available in a range of material options to suit the pumped medium.
With a heavy duty & robust skid – also available DNV certified – the unique self priming arrangement of our pumps negates the need for extra priming pumps at site.
The team at Asia Waterjet Equipment engineer and custom build to suit our customers individual requirements – contact us with your requirement to hear how we can help with a solution: sales@asiawaterjet.com
#AWE #AsiaWaterjetEquipment #CentrifugalPumps #MultistagePumps #PipelineFlooding #PipelineFlushing #PipelineTesting #Energy #Industrial #CustomBuild